Out of the three members in JYJ, Junsu is known as the ‘quiet one’ in the group. In interviews or press conferences, Junsu has always maintained an image of mystery, giving short and sparse answers.
Recently, reporters of Sports Chosun received the opportunity to spend 24 hours in what they called his ‘rare presence’. The star has been juggling a bevy of individual activities (such as rehearsing for his musical, “Tears of Heaven“), in addition to his efforts for JYJ.
In tailing Junsu for 24 hours, the reporters sought to lessen the gap
between his true, friendly image and his Hallyu star image.
▶ Kim Junsu enjoys the computer?
Junsu’s day starts at 10:45 AM. The minute he wakes up, he heads over to the Red Carpet Hair Salon, located in Apgujung. He’s been a frequent client of the salon ever since TVXQ began using it in 2004, and is on friendly terms with the stylist and staff members.
No matter where he goes, one could always find the script for “Tears of Heaven” in his hands. Junsu explains, “Sitting on a chair in the salon can sometimes be a waste of precious time, so I try to make use of it lately by reading over my script.”
With just a single glance, it’s easy to see that he’s been practicing hard, as the script already looks worn out. Junsu commented, “The script changes often. They said that the script for our next rehearsal changed a lot too. I sometimes sing the wrong lyrics since we have to go through sudden changes when we’ve been practicing something else for days already.”
▶ “Son Ye Jin is really pretty…”
At 1:45 PM, he heads to a restaurant for a late brunch. Judging by his physical appearance
alone, you’d think that he’d enjoy a morning coffee with fresh fruits and toast – but as it turns out, his tastes are all Korean.
“I’m not picky with what I eat. Potato stew, kimchi stew, and rice noodles are my favorite dishes.”
The restaurant he’s visiting today is ‘Samwoojung‘, which is located in Yeoksam-dong. “This place has the best kimchi stew,” he claims with a thumbs-up. He also ordered an extra side dish of rolled eggs.
At the mention of some of the reporters wanting a nice glass of soju, Junsu declines and explained, “I can’t even put alcohol close to my lips. When I sometimes want to enjoy the atmosphere, I’ll order virgin, gold medalist, or pina colada drinks with no alcohol at the bar.”
He also reveals that although he doesn’t enjoy drinking, he’ll pay for the entire meal himself, as his personality just naturally wants to take care of others. “I just think it’s great having fun with everyone.”
One friend of his reveals, “He doesn’t even buy his own clothes, he really spends nothing on himself. But he doesn’t hesitate for even a moment in buying luxury goods for his close friends.” Unlike Jaejoong and Yoochun, who both enjoy shopping at the malls near their dorm in Kangnam, Junsu claims that he detests shopping.
On the topic of flirting, he reveals, “I look at personality. It’s difficult to decide on an ideal woman with just her physical appearance. First of all, I hate women who smoke. Drinking is okay.” There’s an exception, though, as he claims that he’ll eliminate a woman that is too good at drinking.
“When I once visited France, I saw little blonde girls calling out ‘papa,’ which I thought was so cute that it even made me dream of interracial marriage. As opposed to physical appearances, I’m more attracted to their speech or actions.”
But does he really not look at physical appearance? “The only person I thought was particularly attractive was Son Ye Jin and Han Ye Seul. They both have different charms, since Son Ye Jin is pretty like a puppy, while Han Ye Seul is cute like a cat…”
▶ Ping Pong King Kim Junsu?
After completing his meal at 3:30 PM, he stops by Caffe Bene in Nonhyun-dong for a five-grain latte. He’s only been wearing a thin leather jacket this whole time, and he finally notices the blistering cold as he heads straight back to his office.
The minute he walks inside, he heads over to a ping-pong table and begins to play a match.
Normally an avid fan of soccer and bowling, he claims to have fallen in love with the fun of ping pong. The reporter suggests a death match on the spot, to which Junsu responds by taking off his jacket and rolling up his sleeves for the impending battle of pride.
Throughout the match, he cocks his head to one side while explaining that his spin isn’t working as well as it usually does. “On my last birthday, Jaejoong and Yoochun-hyung bought me a really good ping pong table. They ordered the best no matter what and set it up in the living room after getting rid of the dresser, running machine, and sofa.”
He quickly gets back into the game, and like his title of ‘#1 Ping Pong Player of CJES Entertainment,’ he wins with a score of 21 to 17.
Credit: allkpop
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